Dr. Carlos Jesús Bernardos Cano director of Slices Madrid, received a Telecommunication Engineering degree in 2003, and a PhD in Telematics in 2006, both from the University Carlos III of Madrid, where he worked as a research and teaching assistant from 2003 to 2008 and, since then, has worked as an Associate Professor. He is teaching different undergraduate and master degree courses. His research interests include IP mobility management, network virtualization, cloud computing, vehicular communications and experimental evaluation of mobile wireless networks. He has published over 100 scientific papers in international journals and conferences. He is an active contributor to IETF since 2005, being co-author of more than 30 contributions, several standards.
He has served as a guest editor for IEEE Network and Elsevier Computer Standards and Interfaces, served as local arrangements co-chair of ACM CoNEXT 2008, and has served on the TPC of a number of conferences and workshops including IEEE VTC and IEEE Globecom.
Contact email: cjbc@it.uc3m.es

Dr. Antonio de la Oliva Delgado sub director of Slices Madrid, obtained the PhD. degree from University Carlos III of Madrid in July 2008.
He has worked in multiple European research project, worth highlighting as Coordinator of H2020 EU/TW joint actions 5G-DIVE and 5G-CORAL.
Antonio de la Oliva has also participated in several standardisation activities, as Vice-chair of IEEE 802.21b, Technical Editor of IEEE 802.21d and lately contributing to several IEEE 802.11 TGs. Due to his work in the IEEE world, he obtained certificates for hist outstanding contributions in IEEE 802.21b/c/d and IEEE 802.1CF. Due to his work in SDOs, Antonio de la Oliva has applied for more than 20 patents over the last years.
Antonio de la Oliva has also served the research community through the organization of conferences (IEEE WCNC’18 Workshop Co-chair, IEEE Online GreenCom’13 conference organiser, IEEE SDN/NFV’20-21 TPC Co-chair).
His PhD. thesis obtained, in June 2009, the Alcatel Lucent award “ex-aequo”, to the best contribution to new IPTV services, granted by the Royal Telecommunication Engineering Institute of Spain, he also obtained the 2021 Award for Young Researchers at UC3M.
Contact email: aoliva@it.uc3m.es